Intelligent video monitoring or engagement of security guards, yes or no?

We live at the age when the automation and hi-tech are in progress, replacing the human labor and, sometimes, eliminating the human factor from all activities.

Security systems are rapidly developed and, with regard to the development of AI (Artificial Intelligence) software offer new opportunities for the users. The CCTV cameras are able to secure the safety of buildings, airports and passages to sport event places for thousands of people.

Inevitably, there is one question: yes or no, should you replace security agents with video surveillance systems? Some people share the opinion that it is necessary to optimize processes to eleminate errors and increase productivity by means of analytical software. The others argue that it is necessary to protect job places of employees. In order to find a reply to this complicated question, we were offered to analyse the  advantages of physical security guards for companies.

  • One security agent, having a function to monitor territory, is simultaneously a company representative who interacts with the clients. He replies questions, shows directions and actually promotes companies, directing the clients to them.
  • A professional security guard can promptly interfere into any situation, for which the force is necessary. The advantages of the companies are diverse and some of them have a need in weaponed security guards for certain situations.
  • In the cases of cyber attacks, security agents play a decisive role, exactly as in the case of attack of the German steel processing enterprise when the hackers were detected while breaking the plant security system. If the attack succeeded, the company would suffer from enorm losses.

Of course, there are many opportunities of the usage of surveillance cameras with integrated analyitcal software, which include the face recognition and up to the „analysis” and identification of potential threats. In close future, some companies will prefer the full automation of security department and successfully optimize internal processes. The others will efficiently combine both opportunities to provide security, video monitoring and physical guards.

For the moment, it is too early to discuss the final replacement of human factor, but, surely, the usage of intelligent systems for security purposes will be expanded.

Currently, this is a free decision of everyone, which solution to opt for. The final decision is taken if you work with a professional security provider company.

Our specialists are at your disposal to provide more detailed data about the security service and surveillance systems with analytical software.